Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

In order to rent a car from driveXplore, it is imperative to respect and fulfill the prerequisites, which are mandatory for both Romanian and foreign individuals/legal entities.

A. driveXplore obligations

  1. The contract gives the Customer the right to use the vehicle in accordance with its provisions, through the following professional means: handing over the vehicle, filling in and signing the handover form, handing over the keys and the documents related to the vehicle (registration certificate, RCA insurance policy) in original format.
  2. driveXplore is responsible for providing the Customer with roadside assistance throughout Romania, during the entire contract, non-stop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in case of accident or technical breakdown of the rented vehicle. It is important to note that DriveXplore does not assume the responsibility to remedy tire failure situations.
  3. driveXplore is obliged to replace the vehicle (subject to availability) in the event of a major breakdown that cannot be remedied on the spot, without the Customer being liable for it. In such situations, driveXplore undertakes to supply a new vehicle within 24 hours, depending on the location where the fault was found. If the defect is the result of the Customer’s actions, driveXplore will request a new warranty in order to be able to deliver another car.
  4. In the event that driveXplore is unable to replace the vehicle, an amount in proportion to the period during which the vehicle could not be used will be refunded to the Client, representing the corresponding part of the total cost of the rental. The refund will be made, depending on the case, by bank transfer or cash, within a maximum of 14 days from the return. For orders paid by credit card the amount will be refunded on the same card used for the transaction, within a maximum of 14 days after acceptance of the return.
  5. From the moment the vehicle is delivered until the moment it is returned, driveXplore is exonerated from any liability for any damage caused in traffic by the vehicle rented by the Customer, as well as for road or bridge tolls and fines resulting from the abusive occupation of a parking space or from the non-observance of the road legislation or laws in force in Romania.
  6. driveXplore may withdraw the car if it considers that the Customer is in breach of any of the contractual terms or if driveXplore finds that the data provided by the Customer is incorrect or false.

B. Obligations of the Client

In case of a reservation made by telephone or e-mail, driveXplore reserves the right to cancel the reservation without any obligation to pay any amount to the Customer, in the event that the End Customer does not meet the minimum mandatory requirements for the rental as specified in the contract and published on the driveXplore website.

  1. The Customer must have a valid national and/or international driving license (international driver’s license is mandatory for documents issued in countries with non-Latin script and for those obtained by driving a right-hand drive vehicle, e.g. UK, India, Australia, Japan). At the time of signing the Contract, the original driving license must be presented together with an identity document.
  2. In the case of confirmed reservations, driveXplore reserves the right to cancel the reservation if the Customer delays the pick-up of the vehicle for more than 3 hours after the previously agreed time, without prior notice from the Customer.
  3. It is mandatory that only persons authorized by DriveXplore and mentioned in the Contract, or DriveXplore’s representatives, are allowed to drive the vehicle.
  4. A fee of 15 €/user applies for additional drivers, the fee does not apply to the first additional driver. By registering them in the Contract, it is understood and accepted that they must fulfill the rental conditions set by driveXplore.
  5. It is forbidden to drive the vehicle off road surfaces, on unpaved, unpaved or unpaved roads or in areas closed to public traffic. Otherwise, driveXplore will deduct the costs of repairs, regardless of the type of warranty chosen by the customer (including SCDW/SCDW+ fee), from the warranty deposit.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to carry out or allow any technical or aesthetic interventions on the vehicle without obtaining written consent from driveXplore.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to operate the motor vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, psychotropic substances or other substances that may affect the driver’s concentration, mental state or physical abilities;
  8. It is strictly forbidden to use the vehicle for taxi services, alternative transportation (e.g. Uber, Bolt, Bla Bla Car), driving school, pushing or towing, racing, training, competition, transportation of dangerous substances or for illegal activities that may cause damage to the vehicle. It is also forbidden to assign the vehicle for any other purpose other than the transportation of persons for hire. If the rented vehicle is seized or destroyed/damaged by the authorities or by the Client as a result of its use to obtain undue advantage by transporting prohibited objects or substances, the Client will be held liable for the full value of the vehicle.
  9. The customer is obliged to maintain the car in a proper state of use for the duration of the contract and to return the car in the same condition in which it was picked up. In the event of any damage to the vehicle during the term of the contract (including damage caused by hitting animals or damage by an unknown perpetrator), the customer is responsible for covering the costs of all repairs necessary to restore the vehicle to the condition it was in on the date of collection, within the limits of the guarantee deposit. In the event of failure to comply with the damage management procedure, the customer shall be liable for the full value of the repairs, immobilization costs and costs arising from the unavailability of the vehicle.

C. Performance of the Contract. Delivery, Replacement and Return of the Vehicle.

  1. The delivery and return of the vehicle will be carried out according to the place, date and time agreed between the Customer and driveXplore, as specified in the booking form and the Contract.
  2. Pick-up and drop-off outside normal working hours (Monday-Friday, 09:00-18:00) can be made on request. In such cases, an additional charge of € 10 per pick-up/drop-off will apply.
  3. Any damage or destruction of the rims or tires shall entail the Customer’s obligation to pay a service fee of € 50, as well as the costs of repair or replacement of the affected item.
  4. Any damage caused to the underside of the vehicle, including the protective elements (shield, oil sump, exhaust, muffler, etc.), requires the Customer to pay a service fee of € 50, as well as the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged element.
  5. In order to return the vehicle to a location other than Bucharest or Otopeni, driveXplore’s explicit consent is required, and in this case an additional dislocation fee of between €30 and €250 will be applied. If the Customer wishes to return the vehicle to another location after collection, written notification to driveXplore is required at [email protected] DriveXplore must consent to this contractual change and the Customer will be responsible for the payment of the above-mentioned additional removal fee. The exact amount of the fee will be communicated in writing by driveXplore via e-mail.
  6. If the contractually agreed time limit for returning the vehicle is exceeded, an additional fee of € 5 per hour will be charged, as contractually agreed. If the Customer delays the return of the vehicle without DriveXplore’s explicit consent, DriveXplore has the right to take possession of the vehicle at the Customer’s expense and risk. Exceeding the time limit for returning the vehicle by more than 3 hours entails the extension of the contract for a further 24 hours, unless the Lessee requests this by telephone. Otherwise the vehicle will be declared stolen. In the event of an extension of the contract period by a further 24 hours on request, the rent for the new day is calculated in accordance with the standard offer.
  7. The return of the vehicle is finalized when both driveXplore and the Customer sign the handover form.
  8. If vehicles are returned outside normal business hours (weekends and/or overnight periods) or in weather conditions that prevent the car from being checked immediately, the Customer’s liability for any damage and release of warranties is extended by 24 hours from the actual time of return of the vehicle. This condition also applies when the car returned by the Customer is in a dirty condition and requires washing before being checked.
  9. Failure by the Customer to pick up the vehicle without notifying DriveXplore in writing or without contacting the Customer by telephone on the 24-hour assistance number 0755 761 608, without handing over the key to a DriveXplore representative and without signing the bilateral pick-up form, will result in the Customer being liable for all costs associated with relocating the vehicle to the rental agency and other costs necessary to restore the vehicle to its original condition, if the vehicle is picked up in a condition different from that in which it was delivered under the contract. The same conditions shall apply if the Hirer refuses to return the vehicle.
  10. The customer is obliged to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel as at the beginning of the rental period, as shown on the delivery-receipt. Otherwise, upon receipt of written notification from driveXplore, the Customer agrees to pay a €20 refill fee and to bear the cost of the missing fuel as indicated on the fuel receipt.
  11. When the vehicle is handed over to the Client, the state of hygiene of the vehicle, both inside and outside, will be noted and the Client will sign a report stating these aspects. If, upon return, the vehicle requires more intensive cleaning than the standard procedure in order to bring it back to the state in which it was originally rented, the Client agrees to pay an administrative fee of € 50, plus the cost of the car wash services, as per the invoice that will be sent by e-mail.
  12. If the Customer refuels the vehicle rented from driveXplore with a different type of fuel from that indicated by the manufacturer (specified on the delivery note and on the delivery-receipt form), the Customer is obliged to pay a service charge of € 50. The Customer will also bear the costs of transportation by flatbed, the costs for the days of immobilization in service, the repair costs according to the repair estimate and also the corresponding refueling will be required (including for customers who have opted for SCDW / SCDW+).
  13. The customer can request to cancel the reservation at least 48 hours before picking up the car free of charge.
  14. After paying the reservation by credit card, the client will receive a confirmation e-mail with the reservation data, and later within 24 hours a copy of the rental contract sent by e-mail.
  15. DriveXplore offers car rental with various accessories, including GPS, child seat and snow lanyards at the following rates:
  • Child seat: €15 for the entire rental period.
  • Snow chains: €15 for the entire rental period.
  • GPS: €15 for the entire rental period.

14. If the Customer loses or damages the keys or original documents, driveXplore will ask the Customer to pay the value of the damaged or lost items, a fee of € 200 will be charged.

15. If the customer returns the machine dirty, the following charges will apply:

  • Fee for excessive cleaning in the car (stained upholstery, stained roof, etc.): 150 euro
  • Fee for severely damaged tapestry (cigarette burnt, torn, hanging, etc.): 200 euro

16. DriveXplore cannot be held responsible for any items left in the vehicle by the Customer and not mentioned at the time of return of the vehicle.

17. Smoking in DriveXplore vehicles is strictly forbidden. If this rule is not respected, a fee of € 100 will be charged in addition to the cost of car cleaning services.

If accessories in the vehicle are lost, charges of between €50 and €150 will apply.

D. Payment of Services

  1. At the conclusion of the contract, the customer pays in full the rental costs, including additional options, the guarantee reduction fee (if opted for) and any other additional charges provided for in the contract.
  2. Invoicing in RON is carried out using the selling exchange rate of the NBR recorded on the day the Contract is signed.
  3. Rental payment can be made by debit card or cash. You can pay online with your personal or company credit card, in complete security. The cards accepted for payment are VISA (Classic and Electron) and MASTERCARD (including Maestro, if they have code CVV2/CVC2). No additional fees are charged for transactions. The card data is processed exclusively on PlatiOnline servers. The safety of your information is guaranteed by the fact that PlatiOnline does not store your confidential card data, but sends it encrypted over a secure connection to the processing bank. In this way your information. are safe. Whatever currency you have in your account, transactions are made in lei, at your bank’s exchange rate. For payment by credit card, the transaction will appear on the account statement with the name driveXplore.
  4. The tariffs do not cover: fuel costs, road taxes with the exception of the road vignette for Romania which is included in the rental rate, fines received for violation of traffic rules on public roads and national legislation in force or costs resulting from actions of local authorities in relation to the vehicle subject to this contract, during the rental period. The customer is fully responsible for these amounts.
  5. In the event of early return of the vehicle, the customer will be refunded the amount paid in advance for the services, recalculated according to the change in the daily rate. Reimbursement can be made either in cash or by issuing a voucher in the DriveXplore network, valid for 12 months.

The voucher can be used to reduce the cost of a future rental. To benefit from the voucher, the customer must notify by phone or e-mail that he has such a voucher and present it either physically or electronically at the time of vehicle collection. The voucher can also be offered as a gift.

  1. The specified guarantee will be returned at the end of the contractual period, within a maximum of 30 days from the signing of the handover form by DriveXplore and the Client. DriveXplore assumes no responsibility for delays in the return of the guarantee caused by external factors such as delays in banking institutions, strikes, blocking of the Client’s accounts, etc. Guarantee can be returned either by the card used to place the order, bank transfer or cash depending on the case.

E. Extension, Termination and Conclusion of the Contract.

  1. Any extension, termination or early termination of the Contract must be agreed in advance with driveXplore.
  2. In order to request the extension of the Contract, the Customer must inform driveXplore at least 24 hours before the expiry date. The agreed fee must be paid under the same conditions as in the initial contract, within a maximum of 24 hours from the start of the extension period. The Contract may be extended by written agreement of both parties.
  3. The contract ends automatically at the end of the rental period.
  4. The contract may be terminated before its term by agreement of the parties or as a result of termination.
  5. In the event of termination of the Contract, driveXplore will notify the Customer by telephone, by phone or by e-mail.
  6. Both in the event of early termination of the Contract and in the event of termination, the Customer is obliged to return the vehicle within 12 hours of the termination.

F. Damages

  1. It is the renter’s responsibility to notify driveXplore immediately of any new damage discovered to the rented vehicle.

If the damage is caused by an unknown person, the Customer is obliged to obtain a Repair Authorization from the police authorities before returning the car.

  1. If the Client is at fault for the accident involving two vehicles, he/she is responsible for the following:
  • Fill in the friendly report form if both drivers admit fault;
  • Obtain a Report and Repair Authorization from the police authorities if the two drivers fail to reach an amicable settlement.
  1. If the accident is not caused by the Client and two vehicles are involved, the Client has the following responsibilities:
  • Completion of the amicable settlement form if both drivers admit fault, together with a copy of the at-fault driver’s MTPL insurance, a copy of the registration certificate of the at-fault vehicle, a copy of the at-fault driver’s identity card and a copy of the at-fault driver’s driving license.
  • If the two drivers fail to reach an amicable settlement, a copy of the at-fault driver’s insurance, a police report and a Repair Authorization obtained from the police authorities will be required.
  1. In the event that more than two vehicles have been involved in an accident or personal injury has resulted, the Client is obliged to contact the police authorities to obtain the Police Report and Repair Authorization.
  2. In the event of an accident in which an animal has been hit, the client is obliged to immediately notify the police authorities of the accident.
  3. In all the above-mentioned cases, the Client is responsible for verifying the correctness of the completion of both the Amicable Report Form and the Repair Authorization and Report issued by the police authorities.
  4. If the damage management procedure is not followed, the Customer bears full responsibility for the repair costs, immobilization costs and losses caused by the unavailability of the vehicle.
  5. Any new damage occurring during the rental period will be charged according to the damage rates, including minor damage such as scratches.

G. Guarantees and insurance

  1. The vehicle is covered by RCA insurance, according to the law. RCA insurance is an insurance through which third parties injured in a car accident caused by the fault of the insured driver receive compensation for property damage and / or death or bodily injury suffered in that accident.
  2. The customer has the choice, at the time of signing the contract, between the full warranty or the optional Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW).

SCDW insurance benefits:

  • If you choose SCDW insurance and your rented car is damaged due to your own fault as a result of road traffic offences, you will not be charged extra.
  • You release yourself from financial responsibility in the event of damage to the rented car.
  • The rates for this insurance are flexibly adapted for each car model and period.
  • SCDW insurance is optional for any car rented from driveXplore
  1. The customer is responsible and liable for the repair and payment of collateral damage in the following situations, regardless of the fee paid for the warranty reduction:
  • Failure to comply with the obligations set out in Chapter B.
  • Lack of fuel, being obliged to pay a €20 fuel tax and bear the cost of the missing fuel.
  • Loss or damage to car documents, keys or accessories.
  • Damage to the passenger compartment through excessive soiling, staining or damage to the seats.
  • Damage to the underside of the vehicle, including the shield, muffler and oil sump.
  • Incorrect vehicle fuel.
  • Damaged wheels or tires.
  • Partial or total damage caused by smoking inside the machine and/or near flammable environments.
  1. A security deposit of between EUR 250 and EUR 1500, depending on the value of the rented car, is required for each rented car. This amount will be refunded in full if the car is returned in undamaged, clean and with all accessories supplied in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.
  2. The rental guarantee can be paid at the beginning of the rental period and will be refunded upon return of the car under the same conditions as when the car was picked up. If the car is returned in a very dirty condition, we reserve the right to block this guarantee until the car has been cleaned and the exact condition of the return has been established.

If the car is returned with damage or missing accessories, the rental guarantee will be partially or fully retained.

Both the SCDW insurance and the rental guarantee only cover persons who are contractually entitled to drive the rented car.

H. Final provisions

  1. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall first be settled amicably and only in case of failure, the parties shall have recourse to the competent courts in Bucharest.
  2. This Contract serves as evidence in any dispute.